
Explore our Success Stories

Featured Win

Lime Processing: Agriculture and Road Building. 

With help from MOVUS, Aglime Fertilisers has entered a new era of planned, controlled, and data-driven maintenance.

The Aglime team uses high-end British-made machines, relying on traditional maintenance practices to keep them running. 

That was until they trialled a couple of MOVUS Sensors on their hard-working mill and blower gear, avoiding an imminent breakdown.

Discover Aglime’s $100k Crushing Success!

Aglime's NSW facility.

Helping our Customers Maximise Their Performance

FitMachine saves the day and $100k in breakdown costs for Aglime Fertilisers.

The fertiliser and road-based manufacturers have left emergency breakdowns in their dust thanks to FitMachine.

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Acid pumps are crucial for metals processing, and so is FitMachine.

Our client operates multiple facilities worldwide and is an industry leader in sourcing, mining and processing large quantities of metals, including zinc and lead.

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FitMachine Prevents Downtime and Identifies Operations Issues for Food Manufacturer.

ARYZTA, a global food manufacturer, has experienced the power of CBM technology to prevent unplanned downtime AND eliminate process errors.

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Hunter Water Implements Smart Maintenance for a New, More Efficient Regime.

In our latest case study, we dive into Hunter Water’s transformation from reactive to predictive maintenance.

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FitMachine Deployment Saves $300K of Lost Production.

This global food and beverage manufacturer was able to avoid a downtime incident that could have cost up to $300,000 in lost production time.

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FitMachine Supports Ongoing Reliability.

This global alumina producer uses FitMachine to monitor assets in hazardous environments. 

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FitMachine Deployment Saves $1.7M of Lost Production.

This global miner uses FitMachine to monitor assets in hazardous environments. 

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Some of our successful MOVUS partners